Why do we care about stability? Outside of our method, stability is a foundational element of all fitness. It allows you to organize your body in a variety of scenarios - on two feet, one foot, solid ground or an unstable surface. Within the ness method, stability is the basis of bounce. Our method is an ongoing journey and bounce stability is designed to be your first step on that journey. Our goal is to equip you with the building blocks you need to unlock longevity and sustainability in bounce and in life
There are three major components that make up a bounce stability class: dynamic stabilization training, an introduction to bounce, and repetition. All three of these tools are integral in creating a safe and successful bounce practice. Dynamic stabilization takes a static balance and adds an element of movement, such as a single leg deadlift into an overhead press. In bounce stability, we kick it up another notch by having you do that on a trampoline. The unstable surface under your feet combined with the exercises we’ve put together for you are essentially a litmus test for your balance. You’ll find yourself using the trampoline as a wobbly step up box, standing on it on one leg during an arm series, or laying on it for supported supine core work. All of these things done on a trampoline challenge you to work more slowly, and with precision, allowing you to safely practice stabilizing your body on an unstable surface.
This is also the perfect way to prepare you for the second component of bounce stability, your introduction to bounce. We’ll use the foundation you built through dynamic stabilization training to help you find your perfect bounce down - the basis of almost every move in bounce - and familiarize you with some of our most basic moves such as a jumping jack, scissor or surf twist.
The final piece of bounce stability is repetition. Repetition is key when learning any new skill, but especially on the trampoline. Executing rep after rep after rep of individual movements, whether you’re bouncing or balancing, builds confidence in your ability which, in turn, allows you to relax and enjoy just a little more every time you come back to the trampoline.
While the infinite and brutally slow reps of that single-leg knee-drive might seem repetitive and torturous, know that there is actually a method to the madness. The hyperfocus that inherently accompanies a bounce stability class, allows you to build the strength and confidence for every other ness class, on or off the trampoline. That knee-drive just turned into the first move of that eight part float kick. And now, because you put all of the time, breath, and focus finding your alignment in bounce stability, you can trust yourself. You begin to think less, fear less, worry less, and enjoy more. The form becomes second nature, muscle memory. You have your framework and now you just get to vibe the hell out.
So next time you’re in your 400th single leg deadlift on your trampoline, holding your Bala Ring, shaking, dripping and you want to curse us out, please do. But as you do, remember, you can’t paint, decorate, and make the house a home if you don’t build it first. Lets get to building.