Welcome back to ness trainer takeovers, where one of our incredible team members curates a selection of their favorite ness digital classes just for you. This month's picks come from Aly - one of our founders and the creator of our method. Take a peek at her most loved on demand classes!
- I find myself coming back to this class often because my body is always craving a twist. Especially in this postpartum era, I've been so excited to dive back into twisting with a full range of motion, and this bounce essentials keeps me honest so I can make sure my form is in check.
- There are few things I like more than a 10 minute movement snack and this is one of my absolute favorites. First and foremost, I love a free arms moment; it feels a little dancey and always puts me in a good mood. Second, this class has some of the funniest, most unhinged Colette moments on the ness digital. It's like watching a quick comedy special while you workout.
- This bounce feels like such a classic to me. It's from the earlier days of digital, but I keep it in regular rotation because it feels good and I love the playlist. The combo isn't super complicated, but it touches on a little of everything with the bonus of some floopy octopus arms which are so fun once you allow yourself to let go.
- This is one of those classes that gives me the nervous sweats - but in a good way. Between the thicc boi, deadlift variations, and walking down and up from the mat, this class has everything spicy that I love in a sculpt session.
- I can't resist an upper body snack. My lower body is definitely more dominant in my movement, so I gravitate towards short upper body strength sessions like this one because they feel more manageable, especially when working with a heavier weight.