To kick off the month of April we are excited to chat with Kerrilynn Pamer, the founder of CAP Beauty, for this installment of What's On Your Mind? Something that we hold near and dear to our hearts is focusing on wholeness- honoring all of you not just the parts. Which is why we connect so deeply to Kerrilynn's mission for CAP Beauty.
CAP Beauty was born from a need. After Kerrilynn received a celiac diagnosis a decade ago, she set out to learn everything she could in order to reclaim her life. She changed her diet, her practices and her routines all while changing the products she used on her skin. And the effect was profound! Choosing products formulated with the highest quality botanicals changed not only her outermost layer, but how she interacted with it. Until then, plants were considered the inferior option; what you would turn to if you weren’t concerned with results and efficacy, but Kerrilynn found this to be entirely untrue. She discovered that it was actually the inclusion of plants to be what finally changed her health. So she opened the doors to the West Village flagship on Valentine’s Day 2015.
Over the last decade CAP Beauty has evolved, morphed and transformed. Nonetheless, the vision has always been to create, and share beauty. Kerrilynn deeply believes in the power of plants, and their ability to effect change in the skin and beyond. The CAP line invites the whole of you to your new routine. Mind, body and spirit.
In this series, we get the opportunity to chat with founders from brands we adore, so we were thrilled to talk to Kerrilynn about her self-care, wellness, and movement practices!
Let’s get into what Kerrilynn had to say.
What's one way you find your joy in movement?
Riding horses, it's been awhile since I've ridden after an accident last year, but I am beyond excited (and a little scared) to start back up.
What's the best piece of self-care advice you've ever received?
Consistency is more important than grand gestures. A little each day matters more than a lot every once in awhile.
How do you stay creative, inspired, motivated in your day-to-day life?
Kundalini, movement, morning pages, playing with my dogs, talking to my husband and utilizing systems.
What's the biggest lesson you've learned as a founder?
Consistency, consistency, consistency.
What does community mean to you? And how do you go about finding your own?
Relationships that fill me up. I'm still new to California, so am still on the hunt for my community. If you want to hang out, let me know!
We also hit Kerrilynn with 5 Rapid Fire Questions!
What are you: Sensitive, caring, creative, anxious, a seeker of beauty in all its forms.
Reading: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin, Horse by Geraldine Brooks, Prince Charming Isn't Coming: How Women Get Smart About Money by Barbara Stanny
Watching: The Godfather Trilogy
Listening to: Maria Somerville Morning Show on NTS every single day. I could listen to her talk forever. And the music she plays is magic.
Learning about: Organization, Myself
Traveling to: Mexico City in April, Oregon this summer, DC this month
To learn more about Kerrilynn and CAP Beauty, check out the website here.